Transform a Community

Partner with Covenant to dig a well,
build a women's clinic and restrooms

Take Action Today

Why The Need Is So Urgent
80% of Haitians live on less than $9/day
Only 28% of the population have access to adequate toilets.
(72% do not have access)
20% of deaths of children under the age of 5 are due to waterborne diseases caused by poor hygiene and sanitation practices.

Why a women’s restroom and medical facility?
Nicholas has travelled to Haiti 34 times over the last 25 years. As he was evangelizing and praying for the women in the fish markets, he imagined what it would be like for his wife, mother, or sisters if they didn’t have access to clean water, a place to relieve themselves, or medical care. God put it on his heart, to respond as Jesus did to women – with dignity and honor, meeting their most basic human and spiritual needs
Covenant Centre International church partners with Pastor Erik St. Cyr of Apostolic Alliance church in Gonaives, Haiti. Together we have fed thousands of families and educated hundreds of students at our Montessori school. (established in 2012)

Save a Life
Transform a Community

Consider a gift of $50, $100, or $500
Roseline’s Story
Roseline works from 8 am until 4 pm six days a week at the fish market to help provide for her three daughters and five grandchildren. Temperatures in the market in the summer often exceed 95 degrees with no ventilation. It is an oppressive workplace.
To relieve herself she searches for a somewhat private spot in an alley, or around the corner of a nearby building. She does not have access to adequate latrines, toilet paper, or a way to wash her hands. She returns to work with sweat on her brow, and unwashed hands, yet ready to make a sale and hand you your change after you pick out the fish you want for dinner.
Finding clean water is a daily task, walking upwards of 30 minutes each way to collect water, weighing 35 pounds, which she carries on her head. Roseline suffers from digestive issues, diabetes, and neck issues. Voodoo is Roseline’s healthcare. We want to change that.
Love Looks Like Something
It is not enough to just tell people about Jesus. Love looks like something. It is not enough to just send our used clothes and shoes. Love looks like something. For the women of Gonaives who work in the fish market, the love of Jesus will look like a sanitary latrine and women’s medical clinic to meet their most basic human needs.

Eternal and Long Term Impact
Along with local pastor (and USA trained psychiatric nurse), Pastor Erik St. Cyr, our long-term goal is to create a facility that is an outreach center for witnessing, evangelism, and discipleship. With so many Haitians relying on Voodoo as their form of healthcare, we hope to change the culture by providing medical care and prayer for healing. Our plan is to host medical mission trips here to minister to those in the marketplace – healing body, soul, and spirit.